Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pinnacle Media Center Sn

Details about the controversy surrounding the decriminalization of homosexuality in Tunisia

There are nearly a year the controversy surrounding the approval by the blog aggregator Tn-a Gay Blog Tunisian in Tunisphere revealed to light the profound ignorance of some of our compatriots vis-à-vis our claims.

I tried to clarify some points here but I take the time to substantiate my claim and by extension, gay Tunisian.

Section 230 of the Penal Code of 1913 (largely modified in 1964) provides up to 3 years in prison for sodomy between consenting adults.

While Tunisia has lived under a republican regime which guarantees to citizens more freedoms such as that of conscience or religion, it should be true for our sexual choices. We are an Arab Muslim country, but in fact there are several Muslim countries that have decriminalized homosexuality as Jordan, Iraq and Turkey and which prove that it can be an Arab, Muslim and integrate Arab and Muslim homosexuals as being full citizens.

Tunisia is a republic whose state religion is Islam but certainly in modern Tunisia built there over fifty years, fundamental rights were not only recognized but this build and sometimes in contradiction with the Sharia, Islamic law.
Rights granted Tunisian women, abortion, consumption of alcohol among others are fully accepted even if it is totally forbidden by Sharia.
It is a fact that our country's approach ensures the ability to exercise this right: that of free-choice.

Religion is a personal choice and should never be imposed on anyone. It's the same for the decriminalization of homosexuality, without any moral controversy.
We are citizens like all others, we do not claim the right to exist as a citizen of our country and not as criminals perverse sodomites.

hypocrisy surrounding this system in place for over fifty shows its limits. We help you every day as the economic engine of our country, we pay our taxes like everyone else and that is to date the only recognition we deserve as citizens. It is time to change that ...


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