Friday, March 4, 2011

Where Would Diaper Rash From A Pad Be

Our teacher, Philippe BABOON has graduated at the new Stage DEJEPS

BABOON Philip has graduated at the new DEJEPS (State Diploma of Youth, Popular Education and Sport) specialty sports training in Karate and Associated Disciplines "

DEJEPS The new diploma is a level III makes education and training of karate and related disciplines cons remuneration. This diploma certifies the ability to design, coordinate and implement implement development programs, conducting training approaches and training.

Lifan Generators Troubleshoot

chavola the (ongoing)

For this project underway for editions Lirabelle,
and after some tests inconclusive linocut,
I found my happiness with scissors!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Watch Bible Black Gaiden Subs Online

Futility useful

"Men are all the utility to be useful, but no one knows the usefulness of uselessness "
Chuang Tzu.

Signs Of A Fake Jonway Scooter

World Disorder

"... When the world order disorder, offensive nature of beings, the vast sky can no longer act. Animals disperse the birds cry at night. Innumerable calamities befell them and decimate plants to insects. "
Chuang Tzu.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Make Your Janam Patrika Online

design of linear time

tantric Interlude:

"The design of linear time has come to dominate the structure of our thinking, evolution and Action daily.
Indeed, in this linear unfolding of Time in Past-Present-Future-oriented people in the past and / or the future intersect the spiritual possibilities inherent in the fullness that can be known in the present moment.
They can not be instantaneous and continuous relationship with the qualities and energies of the natural environment because they are deprived of the opportunity to join a true center giving a sense of permanence and change direction ".

The linear conception of time

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pin Up Dresses In 50 Dollars

Sacred shit, shit cosmic

Go hop a link and two quotes , and we are plunged into a hell shit ...

Po Po, Po ... ,,,,,,,,, Pônmmm Sacred shit, shit cosmic

Exit "original sin" Islamo-Judeo-Christian, you feel guilty! quit self-flagellation! ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sweatpants With Writing On Butts

Karate Rocquencourt T. KAMOHARA - 7th Dan - Federal Expert

USM Rocquencourt and organize a section Karate Karate course associated with the practice Shiatsu in the Martial Arts (Shiatsu Martial), Sunday, March 20, 2011 at curvata Gymnase Pierre, 2 rue de l'Etang 78150 Rocquencourt.

This workshop will be led by two renowned teachers in their respective fields:

Karate 9:30 to 11:30 / 11:30 to 12:30 Shiatsu
Karate 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. / 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Shiatsu

Participation: 25 € for the day

This course is open to more than 13 years all styles, all levels

For more information, contact Phil thank you for the BABOON

We look forward to welcoming you along with your students.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Implantation Bleeding Twins

Championship Kata Yvelines - Le Chesnay, February 13, 2011

This Sunday took place on Championship Yvelines, Le Chesnay , or the USMR Karate was represented by his recent Champion League Corpo, the last weekend.

And a confirmation with an excellent result of Alexander BENOIST who finished second in the league in Kata in the cadet category and so qualifies for the Championship of France be held on March 5 next to the Halle Carpentier, 81 Boulevard Massena, 75013 Paris.

Pokemon Skeleton Hand

The most tremendous revolutions, that's life.

"The most tremendous revolutions, that's life. Life has no models, but death has: the past or future, which has been or utopia. You live in utopia and in doing so you are inviting death and not life.

- It's all very nice, but gets us nowhere. Where is your revolution? Where is the action? Where is the new way of life?

All this content is not in death but in life. You are in pursuit of an ideal, a hope and that's what you call the action, revolution. Your ideal, your hope is that the projection is to depart from the spirit that is. The mind, being the product of the past, found itself a new type of model, and that's what you call revolution. Your new life the former is never covered with new clothes. The past and the future does not include life and have memories of life and hope of life, but life is not in them. The action of the mind is not life, because the mind can only act through death, and the revolution based on the death that causes more destruction, misery and darkness. "

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How To Make Sour Yogurt From Milk Worms

Yoga freefall

After Laughter Yoga, Yoga here is the free fall.

"That refers to the empty space in his own body in all directions at once. So who has a free mind of duality, everything is empty space."
Vijnana Bhairava, trans. Lilian Silburn. Ed De Boccard.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Accupuncture Meralgia Paresthetica

Stardust Rain

"I wish there is an eternal life which is the Source and Goal, the beginning and the end, although it has no beginning or end, or purpose, or apogee. "

The laws of Nature does not have a reward, only punishment.

(Revue Be Free. No. 1. January 1936)

"I do not wish to add to the many existing systems for new theories, new formulas, or scholarly explanations.

All Forms "all done", the "explanations", the "theories" are just clever ways for you to escape your own conflicts.

Most minds want to imitate, follow, copy, because they do not know think basically by themselves.

For most pain, conflict is so intense, they would rather escape into religions, systems, theories, these crystallizations of human thought.

For me, the real solution to your problems lies in the depth of your intelligence, which must operate simply, freely and spontaneously.

With this intelligence, I do not have the capacity to speculation or intellectual trickery.

real intelligence is not book knowledge.

You may have studied hard, and yet remain stupid.

You can read many philosophies, and not even know the ecstasy, the bliss of creative thinking, which can exist only when the mind and heart to overcome themselves through conflict by a constant lucidity, of all the stupidities of the past.

Expression of Intelligence in Action is true immortality is the apotheosis of happiness, the bliss of living completely in the Eternal Present.

You have countless ideas for the fullness Life and immortality.

But for me, this immortality, this richness of life, can be understood and lived, when the mind is fully released from all its limitations, the stupidities of the past, present environment, acquired abnormalities or inherited. In this flame of intense lucidity, will emerge the ecstasy of life in this supreme consciousness is the Truth.

I beg you, all this is not a new theory, I am not a theoretician. I do not imposed on me personally, I trying to convince anyone of my message, but because that men are locked in the prison of poverty in the cages of suffering, I would awaken in them the desire to destroy the cages themselves.

I want to create in every being, a new attitude of mind. I do not want followers, because the total meaning of what I say is contrary to all these things.

Only when the mind is stripped of all illusions of ignorance, and in all disciplines inside or outside, he is able to discern the infinite present.

The Fullness of Life is in all things, do not buy, everything is there, IT IS.

But if you want to understand what I mean, I do not translate please in terms of party, sect, group, discipleship, a supporter of religion.

the eternal present is something that we can not explain. You can not reason with such a subject. This must be experienced, this should be lived. This requires great persistence and constant awakening.

But our lives are so shallow, with the inanities of "civilization" modern, our lives are so chaotic, unreasonable, full of suffering, and men are more than machines to emulate.

I say that when there is genuine discernment, there is no need for internal or external fields. You are most trapped in the habit of discipline.

First you keep a mental picture of what is right, what is true and what your character should be. You try to align your actions with that mental image.

You act simply by complying with a mental image you have. As long as you have a preconceived idea of what is true you will act in accordance with this idea. Most of you are unaware that you act in accordance with a model.

But when you become aware that you act in such a way, you stop trying to copy or imitate, but it is your own work that reveals what is true.

Our physical training, our moral and religious education we tend to mold according to a model.

Discharged of discipline is extremely difficult, because from childhood we have been slave to discipline and domination.

Since childhood, most of us have been trained to adapt to a social model, economic or religious, and most of us are unaware of this fact.

discipline has become a habit, and you are unaware of this habit.

When you see that you're disciplined in accordance with a model, your action will be generated by discernment.

If by doing so you are aware of imitation, your action will be spontaneous.

So I want to explain that the Truth, the fullness and richness of life, can only be achieved by individual through imitation, or some form of authority.

Most of us feel that there is occasionally a real life, an eternal something, but the moments when we feel it is so rare that something LORD fell by more backward scenes, and seems less and less real.

But to me it is a reality and eternal living, call it God, immortality, eternity, or else if you want.

I wish there is an eternal life which is the Source and Goal, the beginning and the end, although it has no beginning or end, or goal, or Pinnacle.

This eternal life is not looking in his expression a result, an accomplishment. She has no climax or purpose, for she is forever on the move.

Truth lies in the process, not the achievement.

There is something intensely alive, the creator who can not be described because the Reality defies all description.

You can not find true love with the description of another, to know real love, you must have proven yourself.

Love has lost its creative ecstasy.

It becomes more than a series of conflicts that are for possession.

The great tenderness of love, its great depth, quality of eternity, its sublimity, its immense and profound ecstasy are destroyed by the desire to possess, obtain.

Without this Love, the man looks like a desert of dry sand in a river in summer, when it has more water to drink its banks.

Yet few can truly love, because to truly love, you must be above the corruption of love.

But no one can describe the fullness, beware of the man who tries to describe this living reality.

This realization of the Truth, the Lord is not in the movement of time, which is a habit of mind.

But if the mind understands the Fullness of Life, and is free of the division of time into past, present and future, then comes the realization of the living reality, eternally present.

And yet, because we have divided the work into past, present and future, because for us the action is not complete in itself, but rather something that is moved by mobiles, by fear, by guides, through rewards and punishment, our minds are incapable of understanding the totality in its continuity.

So we continually escapes the eternal present.

Only when the mind and heart are free to the division of time that the real action may arise.

When the Action is caused by fullness, not by the division of time, it is harmonious and is freed from the shackles of society, classes, races, religions and the desire to acquire.

To explain it differently, the action must be truly individual.

For individual action, I mean the action which is generated by the complete understanding, by understanding the individual and not that which is imposed by others.

Immortality can only be understood in the fullness of our individual and not as a fragment of a structure, not as part of a social machine, political and religious.

You must experience the true individuality in order to understand what is true.

As long as you do not do this eternal source, there must be conflict, there must be continual strife and divisions.

Each of us knows the struggle, pain, conflict and disharmony.

These are elements which largely constitute our lives, consciously or unconsciously, we try to escape.

Few people are aware of the root cause of their suffering, so they feel the desire to escape this suffering, and this desire to escape has created and vitalized our moral systems, social and religious.

Because we are not "really" responsible for our own actions, we create systems and authorities that they give us comfort and shelter.

This inability to confront the experience in its fullness creates conflict and desire that one has to escape.


If you think your intelligent thoughts and actions thereunder, you will see that where there is the desire to escape, there must be the search for security, and all soft your actions based on the desire for security.

Gradually, the application of security destroyed Intelligence true.

spirit through the experience accumulated various kinds of self-protection systems of "I" safety "I" and these things are likely to completely prevent the mind in its process of constant readjustment Movement to the Lord of Life.

The ardent desire for security, is manifested inter alia, by the desire to have a substantial bank account, a good position, by the desire to be seen as "someone" in the city that one lives, the struggle that you face for titles, ranks, and many other stupid things that have no real meaning.

Then some of you are no longer satisfied by physical security, and seek security in a more subtle form.

is even security, but just a little less obvious, and you call it spirituality.

But I see no difference between the two.

When you are full of physical security, or when you can not get it, you turn to spiritual safety.

And when you turn to this security, you vitalize these things you call "religion" and "spiritual beliefs" held.

Because you are looking for security, born of your own inadequacy, your own emptiness, you establish a form of religion, a system of philosophical thought in which you are caught, and you become the slave.

Our inertia, our lack of understanding we call helpless in the hands of "specialists" and "profiteers".

Our desire for security, our desire for perpetuation of personal immortality, encourages us to seek the authorities that we can "promise" this "immortality", and so arose the religious structures, beliefs, organized, dogmas, priesthood.

Thus priests worldwide, have gradually transformed into exploiters.

I say that when a man is "imprisoned" in a belief or other, he can not know the Fullness of Life.

A man who lives fully, acts of the Source in which there is no reaction, but only action, but the man who is looking for security, avoidance, must cling to a belief because it's her, that he will pull his continued support and encouragement his lack of understanding.

But you never addressed the Life, as you will be held in a mold.

Life will miss you because you've limited your mind by your own choice.

Only when you approach the experience without barriers, you will find a constant joy.

If you have real intelligence, and intensity it takes to destroy the barriers that enslave you, you know for yourself fulfilling life.

But most people try to escape, they are transformed into machines habits.

To avoid the conflict you create religious belief, you worship an image of an imitation that you call God, or you try to forget about your inability to face the struggle you lose yourself in work or in the marsh surface activity.

In this inner poverty arises the desire for security and for security, there must be a person, idea, belief, a tradition to give you the assurance of safety.

Thus in our attempt to find safety, we erect an authority ...


We are slaves of authority that we ourselves have created.

We seek security through spiritual leaders or priests, or we seek authority in the power of traditional social, economic or political.

We ourselves, individually, have established that these authorities, they have not sprung to life spontaneously.

For centuries, we have continued to develop them, and our minds were mutilated, perverted by their influence.

This cult of authority is supreme for me the root of exploitation.

The spirit is held in slavery by the environment he himself created by his insatiable desire, it follows a constant fear.

Wherever this fear exists, there is discipline, coercion by men against other men, domination and the pursuit of power that glorifies spirit as a divine virtue.

If you really think about all this, you will see that where there is real intelligence, there can be no pursuit of power.

All life is shaped by a constant fear, and unconscious conflicts, and thus through coercion, through the imposition of decrees and links that some see as valuable and virtuous, and other harmful and fatal.

Those are the breaks you have established in your desire to continue, you have created authorities, and your life is shaped by the bonds, forms and degrees.

The individual who is constantly conditioned by the environment, shaped by rules, laws, principles of morality, becomes less and less intelligent than it crushes.

These brakes taxed at the individual, and he calls his surroundings are promoters charlatans and exploiters of religion, morality, public politics and economically.

The exploiter is the individual who, consciously or unconsciously, uses, and you give in to him, consciously or not, because you do not understand you become the exploited economically, socially, politically, religiously - and it becomes your abuser.

This way of life becomes a school, a frame, a steel mold in which the individual is beaten into the shape.

The individual becomes a mere machine, a cog without thought, rigidly limited.

Life becomes a struggle, a series. of continual fighting.

So have we invented this false idea that life is a series of lessons to learn, gain experience to guard, to the effect of being better able to approach life the next day - but with ideas preconceptions.

Life becomes a single school, not something you should enjoy, and we must live in ecstasy, fully and without fear.

The external environment embraces the individual, the crushed in a series of articles, ideas, religious, and as he feels crushed from the outside it looks to escape into a world he calls the inner world.

course when the mind is diverted, perverted, molded by the external environment, and it is engaged in constant struggles to outside, he hopes a peace, a happiness, a different world, and it then builds a romantic haven of escape in which he seeks compensation for failures and suffering from the outside.

If you become really aware of all the above, you begin to understand the true meaning of the outside world and the inner world.

At this time there is an immediate perception, spontaneous, life is freed, and the mind becomes true intelligence, it can operate in a creative way, naturally, without this constant battle.

Thus, the Intelligence recognizes the obstacles, there is no adaptation, only understanding arises spontaneously, a natural lifestyle, simple, ecstatic.

real intelligence depends neither outside nor inside.

In this lucid, there is no desire, but the perception is clear, simple, spontaneous Which is true.

So arises the fullness, the infinite richness, this embodiment of eternity which is God.

is a reality, a vast and living truth, and to understand it requires a complete simplicity, clarity of thought.

What is simple is infinitely subtle. What is simple is extremely delicate.

There is great subtlety, delicacy, a delicate balance that is neither contentment itself, nor the incessant effort led by the desire to succeed, to accomplish.

In this delicate balance is simplicity, which is not a simplicity that is to have as few clothes or possessions.

This is not the simplicity that I speak - that is a gross aspect of True Simplicity - but one that is generated by the delicacy of thought in which there is neither satisfaction or stagnation, but simply the supreme ecstasy of living fully the infinite present.

In this ecstatic movement is the living truth, which is a life constantly creative. "


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Mastering the dream among Tibetans is a step toward illumination. Evans-Wentz gives us details about this control:

"By these methods, the yogin has a conscience as clear in the dream state than in the previous day and from one to the other, he did not stop the continuity of memory. We then find that these two states are similar, and therefore absolutely phenomenal illusory. All forms multiple organic and inorganic existing in nature, including forms of gods and men, are purely phenomenal, and experiences of dreams and wakefulness also appear as mirages is the image of the moon Reflected in the water. The goal of the yogi is to reach the state or noumenal causal or can only be attained realization of Reality. "

Monday, February 7, 2011

? To Write On Inside Cover Of Book For Baby

Elucidate Lucid dream

Lucid dreaming is not a technique discovered by the explorers of the dream or our modern psychology. A number of ethnic groups known as dream-cultures, has long been used already and most famous is that of Senoia.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Bathroom Fan

Yvelines Corporate Cup - February 6, 2011 Guyancourt

This Sunday took place the Cup Yvelines Corporate Affairs, at Guyancourt, or USMR Karate represented the City Council Rocquencourt.

Congratulations to Alexander BENOIST which ends on the highest step of the podium in Kata in the cadet category and so qualifies for the Coupe de France Corporate be held Sunday, February 27 at the Halle Carpentier, 81 Boulevard Massena 75013 Paris.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best Wood Stove Paint

The earth's magnetic pole shift Gregg Braden

Friday, February 4, 2011

Waverly Decorating Ideas

Why My Esr Level Is High

Just be yourself. The Zeitgeist Movement

"Just be yourself. Dive deep inside. Look at your own experience without judging, without reason, without understanding. Become stupid as a rock, because your mind keeps you from going anywhere. Look at all without engaging your mind. "

"Having been with Robert for four or five years, one day just before lunch as we walked around the Warner Park, he said,''I wondered why you were not yet awake . I think it's because you're too smart.''

In other words, I thought too. My mind was still active, reading Nisargadatta, Ramana, asking about meditation, being involved in several activities, questioning everything, writing articles, working on preparing my exams to be a licensed psychologist in California.
Sahn Soen
Seunng Sah said the same thing about me,''You think too much. You're like a golf ball spinning around the hole, do not fall.''

However, when I was at Mount Baldy zazen in silence, no books, talking little with a very structured life, my sessions were very powerful. I was in samadhi all the time when I was sitting in meditation. The body / mind disappeared, and I answered hundreds of koans with ease, sometimes responding correctly to two per day.

But somehow, my practical foundations were even more powerful before I go to Mount Baldy while I practiced only''The Search''LES as to follow the JE. However, I also swam in the phenomena of Kundalini unwanted. Sasaki got me out of the practice of''The Search''LES (and dysfunction of Kundalini) and offered me the practice of koans, which got me out of''The Search''for SOI several years, unfortunately.

At that time, there were very few books on''Search''of SOI, the Jnana Marga or even Zen compared to today. But now there are about 20 million of''masters''enlightened self-proclaimed who studied under Papaji or one of his disciples, and everything became confused. There is now every fantasy books of Nisargadatta. Everyone in his favorite quotes from hundreds of sources and reflect their personal understanding.

But few are truly awake. They think it is, but not so much. So few of them s'ont ready to stop thinking and speculating on the states, levels of consciousness about the state of Bernadette (Bernadette Roberts) versus the state of Krishnamurti, Ramana against the state, against the state of Robert, against my state, and the United States.

Emptiness, foreground, background, interior space, outer space, the illusory world of the self and the outside world, world real absence of mind, consciousness versus * cognition (awareness / consciousness *), the bare consciousness, existence versus non-existence, Ashtavakra Gita, what I said versus what Rajiv said.

Do not you see? You are all idiots too smart.

Forget all these tricks of the mind and its speculation on the most advanced states, Turiyatta, deep sleep awake and the Void the foreground, and above all, stop basing your understanding of what WAS UP YOUR EXPERIENCES 'TO NOW! All these experiences were shaped by your reading, life experiences and your meditations so far and you have captured in a''present''mind instead of being freed from all this.

How to go beyond all this? Abandon all speculation. Abandon all comparisons According to the different teachers. Cease to apply your favorite quotes and concise comments on Facebook, where everyone congratulates everyone on how they are''advanced''.

To advance you must let the words, theories, speculations and comparisons behind and just look inside you. That's it. Stop learning from books because they only confuse you. Burn the books and UG Krishnamurti Jiddha. Burn Ramana. Burn the books and Rajiv Edji. Stop name gurus and ask others what it means. Stop trying to understand the condition of Robert, and then worry about how to reproduce it or if it is the same or if it is different from that of Robertson. Have you any idea how this does not help you? Select a channel, a method, a teacher and do not compare the ways, methods or teachers. Become less scholarly and more humble. Know nothing.

What many are not much different than speculating on how much money Donald Trump has against a certain Prince of Saudi Arabia, and then decide you want to do a number of billions to assess their state spirit or style life. Spirituality then becomes an acquisition state, and if anything, it is to de-acquire, get rid of things, ideas, mental states.

Just be yourself. Dive deep within. Look at your own experience without judging, without reason, without understanding. Become stupid as a rock, because your mind keeps you from going anywhere. Look at all without engaging your mind.

Even''The Search of the Self''is to be performed without the constant questioning of the mind. Instead, just look at indoors and keep you there, live there.

I really do not know how to say it more directly than I do now. Stop, look and listen only! Your research and comparisons on the outside, among gurus, theoretical books, and play with techniques demonstrates how you do not trust your experiences, or your ability to penetrate to the source. Many have tried, but they leave because they failed to penetrate the source, and instead of persisting, they come to mind.

Perseverance in''The Search of the Self''is everything. And humility. Forget all your accumulated knowledge and your ability to rationally speculate about the Absolute. The''I Am''is slippery, as Nisargadatta says, it continually changes shape. You can not cataloged with concepts, much less talk about what is beyond-the mystery.

** English is the word awareness and consciousness. The translation for both is the same in French, or consciousness. I used the text in cognition (ability to know) and awareness for "awareness". "

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Much Does A Full Washing Machine Weigh

"This is not a sign of good health to be well adapted to a profoundly sick society." Krishnamurti .


The Zeitgeist Movement is apolitical and does not recognize or nation, no government, no religion, no creed or class. Our reflections have led us to the conclusion that these values are wrong, outdated and far from positive values for growth and development of human potential. Their foundations are based on the division of power and social strata, not unity and equality, which are our goals. While

is important to understand that everything in life is the result of a natural evolution, we must also recognize the fact that mankind has the ability to slow dramatically or even paralyze progress through social structures obsolete dogmatic and therefore in contradiction with nature itself. The result of this paralysis is the world you live today, because of wars, corruption, elitism, poverty, epidemics, abuse of human rights, inequality and crime.

This movement is a movement of conscience, whose mission is to foster a continuing evolution in personal, social, technological and spiritual. He recognizes that man is the natural path of unification, after a general recognition of the understanding, both fundamental and empirical, of how nature works and how we as human beings , are part of this universal unfolding we call life.

Although this pathway exists, it is still too often ignored by most of the population, which strives to carry out operating methods and associations of another age. These are the intellectual inadequacies that the Zeitgeist Movement hopes to overcome through education and social action.

The objective is to review our global society based on current knowledge at all levels, not only by promoting awareness of social and technological possibilities, many of which have been conditioned to believe they were impossible or "cons- nature "but also providing the means to overcome these obstacles in a society that perpetuates these outdated systems.

Many of the ideas of this movement comes from an organization called "The Venus Project" (Project Venus), led by Jacque Fresco, social engineer and industrial designer. He worked virtually his entire life to create the tools necessary for the emergence of a worldview that could eventually abolish war, poverty, crime, social division and corruption. His ideas are not radical or complex. They do not impose a subjective interpretation. In this model, society is created in the image of nature, with variations basically predefined.

The movement itself is not a centralized structure. We are not here to lead, but to organize and teach.


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The unbalanced development of human beings has led to the edge of his own destruction

If man is transformed inwardly by a mutation of his psyche, it will appear soon on the list of those unfortunate creatures who live a million years or more and then disappear, having failed to adapt . The question remains unanswered whether the evolution of man from monkey was actually a step toward the survival of the species or stage. Only time will tell.

The origin of all problems big or small, lies in the psyche of the individual.

For more than one million of years that man has existed on this planet, his knowledge of the outside world has changed considerably, he increased his power and ability to cope with natural disasters. Internally, in his conscience, man has not changed much. It is very similar to primitive man - fearful and uncertain, forming groups (religious and national), fighting and preparing for war, seeking benefits and hating your neighbor. He is now able to go to the moon and communicate across the globe in minutes, but he still finds difficult to love his neighbor and live in peace. Modern man is brutal, selfish, violent, greedy and possessive like primitive man they were a million years , although it is now able to hide behind nice words and noble thoughts.
This unbalanced development of human beings has led to the edge of his own destruction. It is on the verge of nuclear war, in an imminent global extinction. The power that gave him a growing knowledge was not associated with intelligence and vision appropriate. Why? Why have we not evolved psychologically? Is it because we have not turned our attention inward to understand our minds, our thoughts, our feelings? We are so happy, so dazzled by our deeds, our "progress" in our outer world, we have completely neglected the inner world of our consciousness. humans primitive hatred could have little extent, the power of modern man makes far more devastating and we see the disastrous consequences every day around us.
Better organization of society we might seem to be the answer to this problem. But this is only an illusion deeply rooted. It may be objected, of course, good organization of life everyday, but you can not build a peaceful and nonviolent with millions of individuals who are violent, aggressive and selfish, no matter how you take it. If you have a communist society, you have the violence of communism. If you are a capitalist society, you have the violence of capitalism. You can somehow channel violence, but she always manifest elsewhere. There have been movements of revolutions but the tyranny of man by man has not ceased, it only took other forms.
A truly peaceful, nonviolent, is possible only if the individual becomes psychologically, fundamentally. Any other changes and superficial and temporary. It will never solve the problems, we will only deal for a time, in some cases. Society is what man is. Similarly that a copper bar is characterized by the atoms that constitute it, well a society is characterized by individuals who compose it. All the problems we see in society today reflect the problems of the psyche of the individual. That is why we must concern ourselves with the inner transformation of man and not just the external organization of society.

The individual changes only when changes his conscience. Virtue is not practiced.

All religions have failed in trying to change man. Had they succeeded, we would not have as cruelty, war and hatred. We must examine why religions have failed to change the man and learn from them. According to its essence, every religion has prescribed a path, a set of virtues and vices to be observed to avoid. And man has fought for thousands of years to follow, but it did not work. The practice of virtuous acts does not change by itself the consciousness of man. Practicing kindness premeditated never create a virtuous consciousness. It becomes a matter of effort, finding a purpose in life, a method for self-satisfaction. At the same time, if the heart is good, that goodness will be expressed in every act, every thought, word and deed. It is not then a question of practice. Similarly we can not practice non-violence, as it is aggressive, hateful, violent internally. Otherwise, non-violence becomes a facade, a hypocritical, the manifestation of a calculation. Only by observing the causes of violence in each and eliminating them (not by force but through understanding) that can overcome violence. And when we put an end to the violence we have not need to practice non-violence. Only a lazy mind needs to be disciplined!
So, virtue can not be performed or to be grown. is a state of mind, a consciousness which is reached when there is self-knowledge, understanding, clarity and vision. It can not be achieved by voluntary effort. It requires insight. And this insight is through observation, reflection, through sensitive attention. It is the perception of the truth that frees the consciousness of his ignorance and illusions. It is ignorance that causes the disorder in the psyche. The property must be spontaneous otherwise it is not good. Any change in the external behavior of man, through fear, coercion, discipline, conformity, imitation, and the propaganda does not represent a real change in his consciousness and is both superficial and contradictory.

The truth, liberation and enlightenment can only be acquired through others.

Since time immemorial, man depends on a Guru, a religion or a book to show him the path. Krishnamurti showed that the truth is a pathless land, and no Guru, no way, no belief, no book can take you there. It must be his own light and not seek its light from another. The role of a Guru is simply to show is the individual himself to learn. And the ability to learn is far more important than teaching. In this area, nobody can really teach anything to anyone. Everyone must arrive at the truth by himself and he must begin to know each other. It is impossible to find the true answer to any serious question without first understanding the functioning of its own thought processes, packaging that has been gained from his own experiences, traditions, culture, religion, etc. ... Our beliefs, our opinions, findings, our prejudices prevent us from seeing things in their true perspective because it damages our vision. should be aware of this fact and to question every conclusion that comes to mind because she could not represent the truth. The process of learning takes place when we look at ourselves in this manner with the intent to seek the truth and not just satisfaction. And we must live in this state of research, questioning and doubt throughout his life, without trying to achieve.
What we can receive from the other is a thought, a question, but exploration must be suitable for everyone. Unless you discover the truth for yourself, it does not belong to you, this is a description of the truth. That's what makes the difference between the Buddha and Buddhist philosophy professor. The first is the insight into current consciousness, while the latter has only the description. The man often took the symbol, the word, the concept for the real thing. The true Christian is one who lives by the Sermon on the Mount (and you can do this if you have the Christ consciousness) and not one who simply goes to church to perform all the rituals. A true Buddhist is one who participates in the consciousness of the Buddha and not the one who obeys the Buddhist church. All churches, all organized religions have only succeeded in reducing the great truth to a simple system, a symbol, a ritual. What matters is not the dress, etiquette, but the content of consciousness within. The role of the teacher (Guru) is similar to that of a lamp on the road. We must not sit down and worship the light, we must walk. Krishnamurti constantly emphasized accept or reject what he said was of little importance, it is only when we us ask, examine it and discover for ourselves that all this has value. Since truth and liberation are things to discover for themselves through their own research, any organization that tries to spread "the truth" by a belief, a compliance or that propaganda can not culminate in a future fitness of the mind of the individual and therefore make it slave. A sensible research requires a release of all beliefs, prejudices, hasty conclusions and packaging. It requires a deep self-knowledge. Since truth can not be organized and propagated spiritual organizations that try to do is worthless.

Intellectual understanding is not a real understanding.

We are often satisfied with an intellectual answer to a question and that concludes our research. In this case, intellectual understanding becomes an obstacle to discovering the truth. It is easy to see intellectually that we should not worry when his child is sick. This concern does not help the child. What would help him would be to get a doctor. But this argument logical erase Does our concern? Knowing that anger is a vice prevents us he put us in anger? The truth is much deeper than just simple logic or reason and intellectual answer is incomplete. So an intellectual understanding is insufficient. It may be useful in some cases but it remains superficial. This understanding can be guaranteed by means of the book example, but it's just a thought pattern for the memory and it should not be confused with the truth.
So if intellectual understanding is a limited thing, then what that reveals the truth? To do this, everyone must observed and observe its own process of thinking like a true scientist observes a phenomenon. It does not involve his will, he observes without choice, without leaving his desire to interfere in its observation. When we look this way, in a neutral and passive attention, without desire to quickly form an opinion or a conclusion, while tentative, patiently and with skepticism, to be understood and to understand life, then only we can discover what is true and what is false and the false tomb itself without effort or will. Ignorance then dissolves in the light of understanding.
Without this passionate but objective investigation of itself, its findings, beliefs, attachments, desires and motivations, relate intellectually to a group, to a theory or belief and embrace a cause which she finally ie, has very little value. It is equally foolish to say "my country is the best because I am born." Nevertheless it is this implicit nationalism.
It is tragic that have never been educated to look at us really. We have only been educated to learn about the outside world and deal somehow with his problems. Thus we form knowing much about the outside world but being completely ignorant of ourselves, our desires, ambitions, values and views on life. We can be very competent in our jobs but we are totally embarrassed when we must discern whether the pleasure called happiness, if the desire and attachment are the same thing as love, and why the differences between men become inequalities. There is no question in joy, love, nonviolence and humility, enterprise.
They support research, self-knowledge and understanding, which purifies our consciousness by releasing strong opinions, beliefs or systems of thought. If we look clearly through a careful study and careful that the pursuit of pleasure does not lead to happiness, then our vision of pleasure turns to the source and we abandon the pursuit of pleasure without any effort, sacrifice or punishment. It appears natural austerity completely different from the one we needed the practice. Also if you noticed by his own observation and research, we have not essentially different from other human beings, we share with them the same problems of fear, insecurity, envy, violence, loneliness, pain and selfishness that operates in our consciousness at all, then we would not feel so different from others. In our ignorance we attribute great importance to superficial differences, such as belief, belonging, knowledge, capability, which are only acquired. We did not ask why we are so important, why we let them divide men, when in fact we share the same consciousness. If you take away a man's comfort, possessions, status, beliefs and knowledge, and that you look into his conscience, is it really different from another human being? As caste, color, faith of a human being does not change the composition of his blood that our gains are mentally or material does not change the content of our consciousness. If we do not we stop to see the reality of this, we really discover the fundamental unity of mankind. Ignorance divides us, not differences.


captive Humanity is a great illusion. She thinks she can solve its problems through legislation, policy reforms and social progress of science and technology, through greater knowledge, greater affluence, more power and control. All this may indeed solve some problems, but these are temporary and superficial problems. They have the same effect as aspirin will not cure the disease. We will continue to create new problems to one side and try to solve the other, to maintain the illusion of "progress". And we have little time, as the disease progresses dizzily, ready to remove the man if man does not become internally by a mutation of his psyche, it will appear soon on the list of these unfortunate creatures who live a million years or more and then disappear, because they could adapt . The question remains unanswered whether the evolution of man from monkey was actually a step toward the survival of the species or stage. Only time will say.

Professor P. Krishna, Rector of the Rajghat Education Centre, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Varanasi (translated by Mrs. Rubagire) in June 1996. ( 15 years already! And it does not work out ...)