Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Accupuncture Meralgia Paresthetica

Stardust Rain

"I wish there is an eternal life which is the Source and Goal, the beginning and the end, although it has no beginning or end, or purpose, or apogee. "

The laws of Nature does not have a reward, only punishment.

(Revue Be Free. No. 1. January 1936)

"I do not wish to add to the many existing systems for new theories, new formulas, or scholarly explanations.

All Forms "all done", the "explanations", the "theories" are just clever ways for you to escape your own conflicts.

Most minds want to imitate, follow, copy, because they do not know think basically by themselves.

For most pain, conflict is so intense, they would rather escape into religions, systems, theories, these crystallizations of human thought.

For me, the real solution to your problems lies in the depth of your intelligence, which must operate simply, freely and spontaneously.

With this intelligence, I do not have the capacity to speculation or intellectual trickery.

real intelligence is not book knowledge.

You may have studied hard, and yet remain stupid.

You can read many philosophies, and not even know the ecstasy, the bliss of creative thinking, which can exist only when the mind and heart to overcome themselves through conflict by a constant lucidity, of all the stupidities of the past.

Expression of Intelligence in Action is true immortality is the apotheosis of happiness, the bliss of living completely in the Eternal Present.

You have countless ideas for the fullness Life and immortality.

But for me, this immortality, this richness of life, can be understood and lived, when the mind is fully released from all its limitations, the stupidities of the past, present environment, acquired abnormalities or inherited. In this flame of intense lucidity, will emerge the ecstasy of life in this supreme consciousness is the Truth.

I beg you, all this is not a new theory, I am not a theoretician. I do not imposed on me personally, I trying to convince anyone of my message, but because that men are locked in the prison of poverty in the cages of suffering, I would awaken in them the desire to destroy the cages themselves.

I want to create in every being, a new attitude of mind. I do not want followers, because the total meaning of what I say is contrary to all these things.

Only when the mind is stripped of all illusions of ignorance, and in all disciplines inside or outside, he is able to discern the infinite present.

The Fullness of Life is in all things, do not buy, everything is there, IT IS.

But if you want to understand what I mean, I do not translate please in terms of party, sect, group, discipleship, a supporter of religion.

the eternal present is something that we can not explain. You can not reason with such a subject. This must be experienced, this should be lived. This requires great persistence and constant awakening.

But our lives are so shallow, with the inanities of "civilization" modern, our lives are so chaotic, unreasonable, full of suffering, and men are more than machines to emulate.

I say that when there is genuine discernment, there is no need for internal or external fields. You are most trapped in the habit of discipline.

First you keep a mental picture of what is right, what is true and what your character should be. You try to align your actions with that mental image.

You act simply by complying with a mental image you have. As long as you have a preconceived idea of what is true you will act in accordance with this idea. Most of you are unaware that you act in accordance with a model.

But when you become aware that you act in such a way, you stop trying to copy or imitate, but it is your own work that reveals what is true.

Our physical training, our moral and religious education we tend to mold according to a model.

Discharged of discipline is extremely difficult, because from childhood we have been slave to discipline and domination.

Since childhood, most of us have been trained to adapt to a social model, economic or religious, and most of us are unaware of this fact.

discipline has become a habit, and you are unaware of this habit.

When you see that you're disciplined in accordance with a model, your action will be generated by discernment.

If by doing so you are aware of imitation, your action will be spontaneous.

So I want to explain that the Truth, the fullness and richness of life, can only be achieved by individual through imitation, or some form of authority.

Most of us feel that there is occasionally a real life, an eternal something, but the moments when we feel it is so rare that something LORD fell by more backward scenes, and seems less and less real.

But to me it is a reality and eternal living, call it God, immortality, eternity, or else if you want.

I wish there is an eternal life which is the Source and Goal, the beginning and the end, although it has no beginning or end, or goal, or Pinnacle.

This eternal life is not looking in his expression a result, an accomplishment. She has no climax or purpose, for she is forever on the move.

Truth lies in the process, not the achievement.

There is something intensely alive, the creator who can not be described because the Reality defies all description.

You can not find true love with the description of another, to know real love, you must have proven yourself.

Love has lost its creative ecstasy.

It becomes more than a series of conflicts that are for possession.

The great tenderness of love, its great depth, quality of eternity, its sublimity, its immense and profound ecstasy are destroyed by the desire to possess, obtain.

Without this Love, the man looks like a desert of dry sand in a river in summer, when it has more water to drink its banks.

Yet few can truly love, because to truly love, you must be above the corruption of love.

But no one can describe the fullness, beware of the man who tries to describe this living reality.

This realization of the Truth, the Lord is not in the movement of time, which is a habit of mind.

But if the mind understands the Fullness of Life, and is free of the division of time into past, present and future, then comes the realization of the living reality, eternally present.

And yet, because we have divided the work into past, present and future, because for us the action is not complete in itself, but rather something that is moved by mobiles, by fear, by guides, through rewards and punishment, our minds are incapable of understanding the totality in its continuity.

So we continually escapes the eternal present.

Only when the mind and heart are free to the division of time that the real action may arise.

When the Action is caused by fullness, not by the division of time, it is harmonious and is freed from the shackles of society, classes, races, religions and the desire to acquire.

To explain it differently, the action must be truly individual.

For individual action, I mean the action which is generated by the complete understanding, by understanding the individual and not that which is imposed by others.

Immortality can only be understood in the fullness of our individual and not as a fragment of a structure, not as part of a social machine, political and religious.

You must experience the true individuality in order to understand what is true.

As long as you do not do this eternal source, there must be conflict, there must be continual strife and divisions.

Each of us knows the struggle, pain, conflict and disharmony.

These are elements which largely constitute our lives, consciously or unconsciously, we try to escape.

Few people are aware of the root cause of their suffering, so they feel the desire to escape this suffering, and this desire to escape has created and vitalized our moral systems, social and religious.

Because we are not "really" responsible for our own actions, we create systems and authorities that they give us comfort and shelter.

This inability to confront the experience in its fullness creates conflict and desire that one has to escape.


If you think your intelligent thoughts and actions thereunder, you will see that where there is the desire to escape, there must be the search for security, and all soft your actions based on the desire for security.

Gradually, the application of security destroyed Intelligence true.

spirit through the experience accumulated various kinds of self-protection systems of "I" safety "I" and these things are likely to completely prevent the mind in its process of constant readjustment Movement to the Lord of Life.

The ardent desire for security, is manifested inter alia, by the desire to have a substantial bank account, a good position, by the desire to be seen as "someone" in the city that one lives, the struggle that you face for titles, ranks, and many other stupid things that have no real meaning.

Then some of you are no longer satisfied by physical security, and seek security in a more subtle form.

is even security, but just a little less obvious, and you call it spirituality.

But I see no difference between the two.

When you are full of physical security, or when you can not get it, you turn to spiritual safety.

And when you turn to this security, you vitalize these things you call "religion" and "spiritual beliefs" held.

Because you are looking for security, born of your own inadequacy, your own emptiness, you establish a form of religion, a system of philosophical thought in which you are caught, and you become the slave.

Our inertia, our lack of understanding we call helpless in the hands of "specialists" and "profiteers".

Our desire for security, our desire for perpetuation of personal immortality, encourages us to seek the authorities that we can "promise" this "immortality", and so arose the religious structures, beliefs, organized, dogmas, priesthood.

Thus priests worldwide, have gradually transformed into exploiters.

I say that when a man is "imprisoned" in a belief or other, he can not know the Fullness of Life.

A man who lives fully, acts of the Source in which there is no reaction, but only action, but the man who is looking for security, avoidance, must cling to a belief because it's her, that he will pull his continued support and encouragement his lack of understanding.

But you never addressed the Life, as you will be held in a mold.

Life will miss you because you've limited your mind by your own choice.

Only when you approach the experience without barriers, you will find a constant joy.

If you have real intelligence, and intensity it takes to destroy the barriers that enslave you, you know for yourself fulfilling life.

But most people try to escape, they are transformed into machines habits.

To avoid the conflict you create religious belief, you worship an image of an imitation that you call God, or you try to forget about your inability to face the struggle you lose yourself in work or in the marsh surface activity.

In this inner poverty arises the desire for security and for security, there must be a person, idea, belief, a tradition to give you the assurance of safety.

Thus in our attempt to find safety, we erect an authority ...


We are slaves of authority that we ourselves have created.

We seek security through spiritual leaders or priests, or we seek authority in the power of traditional social, economic or political.

We ourselves, individually, have established that these authorities, they have not sprung to life spontaneously.

For centuries, we have continued to develop them, and our minds were mutilated, perverted by their influence.

This cult of authority is supreme for me the root of exploitation.

The spirit is held in slavery by the environment he himself created by his insatiable desire, it follows a constant fear.

Wherever this fear exists, there is discipline, coercion by men against other men, domination and the pursuit of power that glorifies spirit as a divine virtue.

If you really think about all this, you will see that where there is real intelligence, there can be no pursuit of power.

All life is shaped by a constant fear, and unconscious conflicts, and thus through coercion, through the imposition of decrees and links that some see as valuable and virtuous, and other harmful and fatal.

Those are the breaks you have established in your desire to continue, you have created authorities, and your life is shaped by the bonds, forms and degrees.

The individual who is constantly conditioned by the environment, shaped by rules, laws, principles of morality, becomes less and less intelligent than it crushes.

These brakes taxed at the individual, and he calls his surroundings are promoters charlatans and exploiters of religion, morality, public politics and economically.

The exploiter is the individual who, consciously or unconsciously, uses, and you give in to him, consciously or not, because you do not understand you become the exploited economically, socially, politically, religiously - and it becomes your abuser.

This way of life becomes a school, a frame, a steel mold in which the individual is beaten into the shape.

The individual becomes a mere machine, a cog without thought, rigidly limited.

Life becomes a struggle, a series. of continual fighting.

So have we invented this false idea that life is a series of lessons to learn, gain experience to guard, to the effect of being better able to approach life the next day - but with ideas preconceptions.

Life becomes a single school, not something you should enjoy, and we must live in ecstasy, fully and without fear.

The external environment embraces the individual, the crushed in a series of articles, ideas, religious, and as he feels crushed from the outside it looks to escape into a world he calls the inner world.

course when the mind is diverted, perverted, molded by the external environment, and it is engaged in constant struggles to outside, he hopes a peace, a happiness, a different world, and it then builds a romantic haven of escape in which he seeks compensation for failures and suffering from the outside.

If you become really aware of all the above, you begin to understand the true meaning of the outside world and the inner world.

At this time there is an immediate perception, spontaneous, life is freed, and the mind becomes true intelligence, it can operate in a creative way, naturally, without this constant battle.

Thus, the Intelligence recognizes the obstacles, there is no adaptation, only understanding arises spontaneously, a natural lifestyle, simple, ecstatic.

real intelligence depends neither outside nor inside.

In this lucid, there is no desire, but the perception is clear, simple, spontaneous Which is true.

So arises the fullness, the infinite richness, this embodiment of eternity which is God.

is a reality, a vast and living truth, and to understand it requires a complete simplicity, clarity of thought.

What is simple is infinitely subtle. What is simple is extremely delicate.

There is great subtlety, delicacy, a delicate balance that is neither contentment itself, nor the incessant effort led by the desire to succeed, to accomplish.

In this delicate balance is simplicity, which is not a simplicity that is to have as few clothes or possessions.

This is not the simplicity that I speak - that is a gross aspect of True Simplicity - but one that is generated by the delicacy of thought in which there is neither satisfaction or stagnation, but simply the supreme ecstasy of living fully the infinite present.

In this ecstatic movement is the living truth, which is a life constantly creative. "



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